INDB v.24.207/211 - 0.04 "NewClean" Flash Only
900/910/9000: kernell 24-211
91hd/100hd: kernell 24-207
Images included:
- 2 drivers player2.ko (from 900/910/9000 model only)
- rt5730sta.ko WiFi drivers
- overclock cpu frequerence driver
- openvpn tun.ko driver
- ffmpef 1.1.2 migrated
- externall audio\video codecs support
- dlna and vpn support
Internal Extensions
- ClearMem ( modificated from flash imahes)
- CoolTvGuide
- EventNavigator
- MyTube (flv-support flash included or externall a\v codecs externall installed)
- QuickButton
- QuickWeather
- SoftCam
- TMBD search plugins ( press OK - selected channel - press menu - select TMBD )
- VhannibalSettings
- Allinone Panel (BluePanel) with new function support (DLNA,CPU OverClock)
- WirelessLan WiFi
- NumberZapExp
- HotPlug
- OpenVpn (in red-key addons)
- Picon autoresize skins suppurt
- Alphavite search in all-channek lust (press ok-key, selected all channel, press rcl-key)
- New function in skins settings (press blue-key, select settings, select skin settings)
- Changed AllinonePanell skins with internet download
- AutoResize hd\sd skins picons
- OpenVPN
- MiniDLNA
Externall Extensions
- nStreamVOD
- MediaCenter
- Foreca
- DreamExplorer
- DDSubst
- LiveFootball
- QuickEPG
- SimpleScan
- StartUptoStandBy
- TimeShift
- PiconLoad
- Externall MediaCodec
900/910/9000: kernell 24-211
91hd/100hd: kernell 24-207
Images included:
- 2 drivers player2.ko (from 900/910/9000 model only)
- rt5730sta.ko WiFi drivers
- overclock cpu frequerence driver
- openvpn tun.ko driver
- ffmpef 1.1.2 migrated
- externall audio\video codecs support
- dlna and vpn support
Internal Extensions
- ClearMem ( modificated from flash imahes)
- CoolTvGuide
- EventNavigator
- MyTube (flv-support flash included or externall a\v codecs externall installed)
- QuickButton
- QuickWeather
- SoftCam
- TMBD search plugins ( press OK - selected channel - press menu - select TMBD )
- VhannibalSettings
- Allinone Panel (BluePanel) with new function support (DLNA,CPU OverClock)
- WirelessLan WiFi
- NumberZapExp
- HotPlug
- OpenVpn (in red-key addons)
- Picon autoresize skins suppurt
- Alphavite search in all-channek lust (press ok-key, selected all channel, press rcl-key)
- New function in skins settings (press blue-key, select settings, select skin settings)
- Changed AllinonePanell skins with internet download
- AutoResize hd\sd skins picons
- OpenVPN
- MiniDLNA
Externall Extensions
- nStreamVOD
- MediaCenter
- Foreca
- DreamExplorer
- DDSubst
- LiveFootball
- QuickEPG
- SimpleScan
- StartUptoStandBy
- TimeShift
- PiconLoad
- Externall MediaCodec