E2 RSP 2.01 TDT884
Stick Image for Kathrein UFS-910 1w or 14w
Imagine de stick pentru Kathrein UFS-910 variantele de 14w si 1w
RSP menu on RED button.
Meniul RSP este pe ROSU
Ce era pe rosu e logic : pe play
Fast zaping
You should keep AC3 downmix ON for stability
It doesn't scan very well. It has a very good list (42E-30W).
We will have frequently updated lists made by EnF70 which you can download from RSP Panel
Zapping-ul este remarcabil la acesta imagine.
Inca e bine sa mentineti AC3 downmix ON pentru stabilitate.
Nu scaneaza bine (astra 28 e dezastru la scanare), are deja o lista buna de canale in ea asa ca merge.
O sa avem liste la zi "made by ENF70" asa ca momentan e ok si asa (stau de TDT sa rezolve problema cu scanatu,
provine de la ultimul upgrade la e2 de DM800 din 9 februarie)
PicturePlayer is now hardware-accellerated, currently only jpg support and no thumbnails available picture is always stretched to full screen
Disable stop of polling on CI cams (i know this will make slower E2, but many cams need it like standard require)
Added usb-serial converter support (pl2303, ftdi_sio)
avi h264 support. xvid 720p support.
fix + mv id3tag to eplayer
avi x264 support
Update VFD-Icons crypt symbol and on playback of recordings and mediafiles the play symbol is showed
prepared for dolby symbol and channel name
Changed keymapping, audio and subservice on yellow, aspect on green, see
CSAT France HD Blackscreen Quickfix
Added audio track selection for m2ts/trp/vob, after changing the audio track it might take 2-3 seconds for the sound to continue
PicturePlayer este accelerat hardware. Suporta doar jpg momentan, fara thumbnail, iar imaginea este mereu intinsa pe tot ecranul
Dezactivat (asta va face E2 mai lent, dar este o cerinta standard pentru majoritatea cam-urilor)
Adaugat suport pentru convertor usb-serial (pl2303, ftdi_sio)
suport avi h264, xvid 720p
fix + mv pentru id3tag la eplayer
Actualizate icoanele de pe VFD pentru criptare si playback al inregistrarilor si fisierelor media. Pregatire pentru simbolul dolby si numele canalului
Schimbata maparea butoanelor. Audio si subservicii pe galben, video pe verde. Vezi
Fix pentru ecran negru pe CSAT France HD
Adaugate selectarea pistei audio pentru m2ts/trp/vob; dupa schimbarea pistei poate dura 2, 3 secunde pana reporneste sonorul
New WEBIF by tic2000
RSP panel rewritten 80%
Intelligent EMU management:
- at every emu install it checks on the server and if there is a new version you can install it
- in the emu start/stop menu you can see only what you have installed
- you can't install an emu if you don't remove it previously (for those already installed of course)
- the partition with the label "RECORD" is automatically mounted on /hdd/movie; the other partition are mounted in /tmp/[device]
- when mounting the HDD you can see only valid Linux partition
- it supports cifs; you have to enable it in the menu and edit the configuration file (var/config/amnt.cfg) with the ip of the pc,
user and password used to login and the folder name you want mounted.
New WEBIF by tic2000
Panel RSP rescris in proportie de 80%
-scalare la emu (se face verificare pe server la orice incercare de install emu si daca apare ceva nou poti sa il instalezi)
-la start stop emu apare doar ce e deja instalat
-nu poti reinstala un emu daca nu ii dai remove in prealabil
=se face automount la partitia cu label RECORD in /hdd/movie
-la montarea HDD apar doar partitiile linux valide (in mod normal ar trebyui sa montati doar sdb..)
-are suport de cifs, se activeaza din meniu si se configureaza /var/config/amnt.cfg pentru a face automount la un director windows
RSP e2 Team